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This asana is great for opening the chest, shoulders and hip flexors, while strengthening the back muscles. Take your time with this pose, it’s more intense than it may look. It’s considered a “heart opener” which means that an emotional release can happen while practicing it. This is also a great preparation for the Wheel Pose.


  • Strengthens the hips and back muscles.
  • Great for people with low back pain.


You’ll notice greatest benefits if practiced on a “warm body”, as this pose consists of more muscle groups than considered. Poses to help you achieve that would be:

  • Shoulder Rotations
  • Inclined Plane


Props are very important to a practice. They are made to assist in correct postures, and assist in injury prevention. Please use them if necessary.

  • Interlock your fingers or use a strap.
  • Leave arms at your sides instead of interlocking fingers if you experience discomfort or have a wrist injury.
  • Place a block, pillow or blanket under your low back as a restorative Pose if the asana is too intense.


Feel this exercise in the upper body: glutes, hips, low back, chest and abdominal.

If you have a neck, shoulder or upper back injury, please avoid this pose!

    1. Begin lying on your back with knees bent, feet hip distance apart.
    2. Palms at your sides.
    3. Inhale, and engage your core and glutes to protect your spine.
    4. Lift your hips slowly followed by low and mid back.
    5. Firmly ground your hands and feet.
    6. Raise your shoulders and lift your chest.
    7. Walk your arms in and shift your weight.
    8. Gaze slightly up and forward.
    9. Hold for 5 breaths.
  • Exhale as you slowly roll your spine back onto the mat.



  • Supine Child’s Pose (rocking side to side)
  • Supine Spinal Twist



Take mindful notes of your breath during this pose. How does it make you feel? Where do you feel it?
