“So many broken children in grown bodies mimicking adult lives…”

“So many broken children in grown bodies mimicking adult lives…”

You will make changes along this self-discovery journey. You will grow, you will evolve. At some point along your travels, you might even notice others along their path.

You may even notice where your family and friends are on their personal journeys. You have to learn to except everyone as they ARE. Yourself included. Learn to understand the “why” (not excuses, but the actual why). You must gain compassion and understanding.

Again, for yourself and for others.

We can all only know and understand so much. You must be kind to who you were before you “found” yourself. Lastly, you must be kind to those who are not on a path of self-love. Understand that everyone isn’t meant for this journey.

This shit isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. To admit your flaws whilst learning to accept them. I know. One day at a time, one step at a time. Love you.

– Snowi



Do you need help discovering the obstacles along your self-discovery journey that are secretly holding you back?

Many of us long for positive change in our lives. But, often times we cling to old thought patterns and ways of being. But in order for long-lasting change to occur, we must acknowledge the traits that no longer serve us before creating an action you can follow consistently. Get the help of a coach to keep you feeling accountable and supported.

Schedule your complimentary Self-Discovery Session today to see how a coach can help.


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