
Mindful Journaling  DAY THREE

What moments or experiences led you to state the affirmation yesterday? Did the kids drive you to your turning point? Was it the person in traffic?  Was it your own self, sis?

Take the time to journal these “triggers” down today.

What was it? How did it make you feel? Why do you think it made you feel that way? What caused that emotion to begin with? Is this a common reoccurrence in your life, or was it just a one-time experience? Write it down to help you process these thoughts and emotions. 

This simple practice is HUGE in creating mental clarity. When we understand our “triggers” and why they came to be, we can then take the steps to further reprogram them. 

But in order to know where you’re going, you must know where you are NOW, and you must discover WHY. Gps is pointless without your currrent location lil baby. This exercise helps you to find it.

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