Creating A “Self-Love Eco-System”, Establishing Healthy Boundaries & The Art Of Manifestation

Taurus Season Theme:

Creating A "Self-Love Eco-System",
Establishing Healthy Boundaries &
The Art Of Manifestation

Hi my friend 🙂

How is your week going so far? I don’t know about you, but I’ve been finally feeling Spring is Here!! We’re several days into Taurus Season.

 Happy Birthday to all my Taurean Goddess Sisters out there! I hope you bask enjoy your season.

 Have any of you have had the urge to do any re-decorating inside or even in the garden? Maybe you’ve been spending a little more time taking care of you curls. Maybe you’ve been trying to save your coins. ( I actually re-decorated my bedroom and my work space). If you’ve been in the mood to do something similar to any of these, it’s an example of the theme for this Taurus season. 

Over the next couple weeks I’ll be talking about some topics that are in alignment with the current energies, starting with creating our

“Self-Love Eco-System” 

Above is a little graph I made to give you all a visual. I’ll be going more in detail over the next few days for each of these. But if you happen to have any questions feel free to just reply here. I hope you find this visual helpful in the meantime. Sending Love.


Do you need help discovering the obstacles along your self-discovery journey that are secretly holding you back?

Many of us long for positive change in our lives. But, often times we cling to old thought patterns and ways of being. 

But in order for long-lasting change to occur, we must acknowledge the traits that no longer serve us before creating an action you can follow consistently. 

Get the help of a coach to keep you feeling accountable and supported. Schedule your complimentary Self-Discovery Session today to see how a coach can help.

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