Look for something positive in each day…

Even if some days you have to search a little harder……

I can tell by my newsfeed lately that the energies are running high. There are a lot of changes happening. BIG changes. I know that it’s scary, but I also know that it’s WORTH IT.

It’s okay to be a little vulnerable. It’s okay to be a little afraid. It all comes with growth. With the unknown.

You just have to understand that you can’t reach growth without going through a little discomfort. You can’t receive different results when you continue the same unhealthy cycles. Eventually, the universe will force you to stop and make the decision. This is where the lessons truly lie.

We can say we want change. We can fantasize about change. We can will this change into existence and we can see small manifestations of this change come to fruition…

But you can’t receive with a closed fist.

When the opportunity for change ACTUALLY presents itself, we have to be willing to LET GO of something else in order to fully receive it….

That means letting go of lower vibrational habits. Letting go of coping mechanisms that no longer serve us. It means speaking our truth instead of using it as a weapon. It’s using your vulnerability as a shield instead of a pretending it doesn’t exist!

It means creating healthy boundaries and UPHOLDING them, no matter how uncomfortable. No matter who it is that’s trying to cross them. Its learning to honor yourself, your spirit, while still honoring those around you. It’s knowing that YOUR well-being is of the highest priority.

It’s understanding that you cannot give from an empty cup. Unless you are fulfilled as an individual, you will NEVER fulfill your roles to other people. You think you can wear a mask but you can’t hide true happiness. .

Not only do you dim you light by even attempting, but you dim the potential of all those around you that you love.

In order to be the best daughter, partner, sibling, parent, you have to be your best SELF. And that means making sure that You are happy. No matter how that looks to anyone else.

Again I know it’s not easy. It will take some time and a few blows to your ego. But once you begin to live your truth and speak your truth, your life will change Forever. I promise. I love you.


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