“I Am Mindful”

How did you feel after practicing the Brain Dump Exercise? Did the pressure of the 10 minutes get to you? Did anything you remembered particularly stand out to you? Did you practice the full 10 minutes? Did you even carve the time to do it yet? 

Either way it’s okay, it’s just important that we are “mindful” of these things. This is in fact, the reason for this practice. 

Today we are going to build off of yesterday’s practice by reciting an Affirmation and writing it down in your journal and somewhere else you’ll see it frequently. (I have sticky note affirmations all over my bathroom window). 

Today’s affirmation:


Take the time to ground yourself today. Find your breathe and recite this affirmation whenever it comes to mind or whenever you realize that you would like to bring more mindfulness into your day. Having a stressful moment? I AM MINDFUL

Don’t judge yourself for experiencing the range of emotions that you are. Mindfulness will help you to acknowledge these moments more frequently and you’ll see the way you respond to these very things will eventually change. This of course comes with time. But with consistent and intentional practice, the results are PHENOMENAL.

So again, just take the time to state your affirmation when you feel you need it or when it comes to mind. This is how we will purposefully reprogram our minds by creating more positive thought processes to replace old ones that no longer serve us. 

Be mindful. Find a few minutes at the end of your day to journal the thoughts, moments or experiences that led you to state the affirmation. Also feel free to answer all the questions about yesterdays exercise for best results to help gain clarity. Enjoy.

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