Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude Journaling

In order to accept more from the universe, we must first appreciate all it has already given. It can be easy to forget the beauty of things we see everyday. But by creating a gratitude list, we create mindfulness around these aspects in our lives.

Mindfulness is setting the intentions to be aware of these things and appreciate them to the fullest. Take a few minutes to write down in your journal all that you are grateful for. My gratitude list consists of my love for plants and flowers and hummingbirds that visit my patio. It doesn’t have to be extensive or intense, even little things matter.

Next, take the time to explain WHY you are grateful for each item on the list. What does it make you feel? How?

 This is mindfulness in it’s purest form, this is GRATITUDE to the universe for all it has bestowed.

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