Meditation Practices: Cin Mudra

Mudras are a symbolic hand gesture used in Hindu and Buddhist ceremonies and statuary, and in Indian dance.

They’re also used as a pose in yoga.

We have “pressure points” or “meridian points” throughout our entire body. When we apply pressure to these points and create shapes with our hands, an energy is evoked and released. 

Today we will be arranging our hands in Cin Mudra.

This mudras signifies “connection”. Cin refers consciousness. In Cin Mudra, your thumbs represent universal consciousness and your index fingers represent individual consciousness.

By connecting the index and thumb, you are connecting your individual consciousness to the greater universal collective. Your hands are symbolically mirroring the greater reality and inviting you to participate within it.  

By bringing the fingers together in Cin Mudra, you are connecting to everything that exists. This is Mindfulness at it’s core.

When you find yourself losing clarity, RECONNECT by taking several deep breaths while practicing this Mudra. Notice how quickly your body & mind will begin to ground themselves. Enjoy!

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