"Self-Discovery is loving who you are right now as you begin evolving into who you'd like to become." - Snowi Lee

Self-Discovery Coaching is perfect for you if you are saying:

- What does self-discovery mean for me personally?
- I want to create consistency in my personal development.
- I know I'm destined for more, I just need help bringing it to fruition.
- How do I start and how do I stay on track along the way?
- I’m finally ready to make a positive change for good!
- I need help shifting my mindset.
Nodding your head yes? Great!!​

take the steps to Begin your Journey of
Self-Discovery through Self-Love

About poetic touch

Hello there my friend, I'm Snowi 🙂

I’m the Founder of Poetic Touch and an Online Spiritual & Self-Discovery Coach. I help women of color along the journey of self-discovery through self love. My goal is to help women to discover happier, healthier and calmer versions of themselves. 

After experiencing extreme heartbreak, grief and depression I decided to take my life into my own hands and planned a 30 Day “Self-Love Tour.” I traveled solo halfway across the world in hopes of finding myself. I did. I also discovered my divine purpose. To help women just like me on a spiritual path of self-discovery through self-love. 

The road to self-discovery can be a lonely one. It can be  even harder to navigate if you’re new to spirituality. As a Spiritual & Self-Discovery Coach I help women to begin their spiritual path and create a self-discovery roadmap to help navigate the journey.

No two paths are the same. Every goddess is different and has different goals. Sometimes you just need some guidance and support. Sometimes you just need someone to relate to. I know because I’ve been there.

I was searching for someone to share my journey with. I wanted someone to relate to. This is my inspiration and motivation for creating Poetic Touch and The Haven. Everyone deserves a safe space, this one was created just for you.

It’s my absolute honor to serve you and it’s my privilege to be a part of your journey. Thank you. 

Enjoy a few photos from my solo “Self-Discovery Tour” where I traveled across the world to the UK and lived in Greece for a month.

Why not just a regular life coach?

A life coach has the ability to help change peoples lives. From personal relationships to work/life balances, a life coach can help to achieve goals, implement change and so much more. Spiritual coaching varies in the focus of these goals. A life-coach may help you to acknowledge habits and patterns, whiles a spiritual life coach can walk you through goals such as discovering the essence of self-love, being more mindful in your daily life, or implementing spiritual practices and rituals. Spiritual coaching is also great for people with spiritual gifts that they are still trying to figure out. Learn how to utilize your gifts and implement them along your self-discovery journey.

How do I know I need spiritual & self-discovery coaching?

  1. You feel restless and disconnected from your true self and purpose, and it seems like your life is passing you by
  2. You’re unhappy, unfulfilled and uninspired, and you aren’t sure what would bring you joy
  3. The same problem or set of problems is repeating itself over and over in your life
  4. You have a dream or goal that you desperately want to accomplish, but no matter how hard you work for it, it always seems to be out of reach
  5. The life you desire seems impossible under your circumstances
  6. You’re buried under a to-do list full of things that you really DON’T want to do
  7. Your lifestyle is leaving you burned out, unhappy, and unfulfilled
  8. You’re struggling to attract love into your life, and feel lonely, unwanted and unsupported as a result
  9. You long for a more loving, harmonious family, with a spouse and kids who make you feel supported, respected and cherished

What types of problems does a self-discovery & spiritual coach solve?

  • Being stuck in a profession that you KNOW isn’t your divine purpose
  • Difficulty finding a soul-mate with whom to share your journey
  • An ongoing struggle to make spiritual ends meet
  • Creating a sense of accountability with the support of a coach
  • Confusion about your true purpose, and a feeling of being aimless and uninspired
  • A busy, stressful lifestyle, and a to-do list that never seems to get smaller
  • Feelings of victimhood, despair, self-criticism, fear and self-doubt that hold you back from creating the life of your dreams
  • Or anything else that’s keeping you unhappy, stuck, or living a life that’s less than you desire.

How does the spiritual coaching process work?

No two coaches or coaching programs are the same. This coaching program includes weekly practices, Lives and Q&A’s created just for you and your goals. Each week you will receive a practice to focus on & prompts to put those practices into action. Private coaching sessions are also included consist of Live coaching sessions via Zoom. Each session will be recorded and sent to you shortly after. This way you can look back for anything you may have missed or just to check on your personal progress between sessions together. Our first session will be at the beginning of the program to assess goals together and to see if we are a good match. We will create a plan of action and make necessary changes for each session thereafter.

begin your journey of self-discovery through self-love


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"Where do I start? Beautiful spirit, supportive, understanding, NON-JUDGEMENTAL, facilitator in helping me with my spiritual awakening & I want to take the time out to say thank you for being so immediately supportive of me when I experienced a trauma last month. I'd lost all my footing and you let me know that it was okay & possible to get back on track with patience & tender loving care. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for all that you do. You have no idea of how much of a life saver you are!"​
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"I can see aspects of myself in you and in your journey. You are dedicated to helping women of color(specifically) heal in a way that's new to many of us, which is awesome. And because you cuss unapologetically and it makes me feel better about cussing! Keep up the good work lady!"
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"You've helped me a lot with just LISTENING to me vent, understanding my pain, understanding my part in it and helping me through it. You didn't know me from a can of paint but you were one of the only people who actually took the time to help and I appreciate you for that....Cause I was bout ready to KILL a MF for real!!! "​
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"Working with Snowi was an uplifting experience. She is both knowledgeable and empathetic and her genuine care for my development and growth was evident. I would not hesitate to recommend her services to anyone who is on their own self-discovery journey. This lady is the real deal."
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"You are a shining light that encourages us all to live in the true authenticity that is ourselves! You show us your vulnerability and thus affirms for us that it's ok to show ours as well. You have helped me to liberate myself in ways that I thought was only beneficial to keep locked away for many reasons. Every time I see you, it is a reminder that I can live out loud in my peace, vulnerability, my nerdiness, my joy, my pure unadulterated magical self!!!"

What does a self-discovery coaching program include?

Spiritual Prompts & Practices

There will be prompts for you to practice depending on your goals. Practices can range from breathing exercises, meditation practices, yoga, journal prompts among many others. Each practice will vary depending on your preferences and personality.

Private Coaching Sessions

Let's get to the bottom of things with Live Coaching Calls. Share your desires and goals, and together we can create a personal roadmap for you to get there. Each time we chat we will assess goals and create a short action plan until our next session. We will check-in where you can share your experience with the practices and we can re-assess the plan if we may need to, as well as create new goals as we accomplish old ones.

Discover the obstacles that are secretly holding you back

Many of us long for positive change in our lives. But often times we cling to old thought patterns and ways of being. In order for long-lasting change to occur, you must acknowledge the traits that no longer serve you before creating an action plan you can follow. Get the help of a coach to keep you feeling accountable and supported.

Create a concrete plan you can follow

Discover practices that will help you to discover yourself. Get clear on your spiritual goals. Understand your "why" and what makes YOU happy. Create a roadmap to help you get clear on your diving purpose and core desires.

Begin the journey to a happier, healthier & calmer version of yourself.

Let's Schedule Our First Self-Discovery Call

Please fill out the application form and select the time and day that works best to for you to schedule a one-on-one Self-Discovery Session. In this session we will assess your goals and see if I can help you to attain your goals. It's also a great way to ensure that we are a great match to work with one another.
  • Self-Discovery Coaching Calls
    • In these calls we will uncover hidden beliefs and mindset that may be sabotaging your efforts toward spiritual growth.
  • Personalized Weekly Practices
    • At the end of our calls we will adjust our goals or practices if necessary and new homework will be assigned to add on the the previous week's discoveries.
  • Leave The Program With Your Own Self-Discovery Roadmap
    Create a crystal clear vision for the life you WILL live in you happier and calmer state.
  • Seize each week with the help of a Support System
    It can be easy to get lost in overwhelm. But with the help of a coach you can always stay on track and reach out for support when you need it.

Coaching Rates

30 Minute Quickie

Great for support & answers to questions that matter most
$ 35 half-hour
  • 30 minute 1:1 Sessions in real-time
  • Get straight to the point and receive the answers you need quickly
  • A great way to get consult on your direction as confirmation you're on the right path.

Monthly Self-Discovery Sessions

For Queens committed to their journey
$ 70 Monthly
  • 45 minute 1:1 sessions each month
  • Get Exclusive Access to The Haven Sisterhood & "Ivy Membership" Features
  • Join a community of fellow women of color on the spiritual path

Single 1-Hour Session

For Queens taking the first leap along the path
$ 75 Hourly
  • 1 Hour 1:1 Sessions in real-time
  • Get the support you need to make positive changes and keep track of progress.
  • Perfect for your busy schedule. Book sessions with convenient online scheduling.